Minggu, 07 November 2010


Called slapstick jokes. Often this type of drama called cheap or comedy skits trash. Often called the silly spectacle or a cheap spectacle. Hilarious slapstick is a light drama, the plot is made not based on the current situation, not based on the development of dramatic structure and development of the character's story. The contents of this slapstick story is usually rough, flexible, and open. If melodrama associated with tragedy, slapstick comedy related. The dramatic plot is loosely slapstick. The story is easy to give in to public tastes. Slapstick is a form of "entertainment" is weak and cheap. In addition to a weak dramatic structure, the slapstick does not have loyalty to the storyline. Rhythm games can be loosened and punctuality are not obeyed. The characters may not defend his character is consistent from start to finish plays. Took a serious can suddenly become hilarious because of the demands of hilarity to be created. The dramas of Si Mulat seems to be a good example of this farce. The play of grief can be jokes are encouraging because a loose dramatic structure. Sophia can only cause laughter out loud even if he was crying on stage. Scenes of horror with the arrival of Dracula Paimo also can generate an audience laugh and instead evoke a sense of horror and fear. In the Shakespearean play we also encountered elements of jokes, as well as dramas Aristopanes and Moliere. In the drama satire can also display the jokes in addition to properties owned comedy. For example in "School For Scandal" by Sheridan. In the puppet plays, we often encounter a scene clown-servants of the story structure is loose and can be classification as jokes or a farce and not a comedy because comedy has a serious story structure. A characteristic that distinguishes comedy and jokes are the only important outcome resulting from the act laugh that made funny as possible. In terms of "entertainment" is more highlighted than the artistic quality both in terms of theater and literary quality. Illustrations that would be used on play-act farce is Srimulat. Problems theme, story structure, and so on are always repeated. The structure of the story is only used as a skin just to evoke laughter public. The same thing we see in terms of slapstick or jokes on the puppet and ketoprak.

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