Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


I was one of the big screen movie fans, especially if the film is lifted from a true story or adaptations of novels Islam’s. I want to look at this movie from the point of view myself as someone who has never known pesantren world. I was watching the film, really interesting and really inspiring, let alone acting up everything really good Revalina make my tears flow appreciate the story of this film. Film women with in turban is a story of sacrifice of a woman, a child at a time Salafiah cleric a mother and wife. Anissa (Revalina S Temat) is a woman with the establishment of a strong, beautiful and intelligent. Anissa live in a family environment clerics at the seminary Salafiah daughter of Al Huda, East Java, a conservative. To her right is only true science and the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. I think this is a very meaningful film positive for women, because the core of this film provides a mirror to women who are oppressed due to religious teachings that conservative thinking, if I were in that condition I strongly agree with the stance Anissa who dared oppose his religious teachings are a little bit misleading for the sake of justice, freedom for the woman.

To logic, the wife must not divorce her husband while the husband is allowed double wives (polygamy), from there it was clear not fair, all kind of mental torture of women, forbidden movies ...., even founded the library is also forbidden .... although this story is lifted from a true story, the film is very suitable to be used as teaching materials on human attitudes do not just look from nature with a narrow mind and do is we arbitrarily slander and judge others who sinned because only those people the innocent who can do it. In the pesantren Al Huda Salafiah daughter taught how to be a Muslim woman in which the lessons that make Anissa defend Islam thought that men, women are very weak and unbalanced. And more worrying again, the movie women with in turban in some dialogue to bring Islamic pretext in response to the protest Annie about polygamy and women's rights issues. As if Islam to justify oppression experienced Annie and women in general. Is not there polygamy issue rules? Allah clearly says ... You Must be Fair! & No one can be fair! The sentence should be made in warning against anyone who would like polygamy, not as a door wide open to have a maximum of 4 wives. If the view from down verses for Polygamy is common in times of war in Medina. Comparison of the male population is not balanced with the female population.

Therefore polygamy was used as a solution. Looking at the cause, then I am more inclined to interpret the clause because the decline of polygamy by paragraph, in the sense that paragraph applies in a condition where the verse was sent down not by the words that can be applied at any time. Films "women with in turban " there is a positive side that is about GENDER women and men who appreciate women to be given freedom to socialize, thought, and high school .... Although eventually she will not lose its nature as a mother to guide, educate, and their children would lead! I prefer to cite and add Hanung Bramantyo statement, "this film is a family movie in which there is a father (or some of the characters in the film) who try to abuse (the arguments) of the Qur'an and Hadith, to their interests (to preserve the tradition ). And there is a possibility there had been salafi Islamic boarding schools are led by clerics with constructs think so. Wong is also still a lot koq clerics who forbid girls to be the leader just citing the proposition "al-Rijaalu qawwamuuna 'ala al-nisa'", of course, with any interest in it. For myself it illustrates that life boarding schools, it was not always pesatren walk in the corridors of Islam.

2 komentar:

  1. Mba, kok gambar perempuanya ga pake sorban sih.....sorbannya lagi dipake abang sholat jum'at ya....hehe.....

  2. iya buuuu kita kan pasangan yang hemat, jadi cukup beli surbanya satu aja hehehe
