Minggu, 21 November 2010


a.Classical Flow
Classical flow has the following characteristics:
1.Subject to the laws of Aristotle's trilogy in terms of unity place, time, and motion.
2.His acting style declamation
3.Drama lyrics written more
4.Slow rhythm of the game, many interspersed with monologues, and is static
5.Material greek and Roman-style story.

People of classical flows are
1.Piere Corneills
2.Jean raccine
3.Joost van den Vondel

b.Romantic Flow

Romantic flow developed in the XVIII century. In the romantic drama, Aristotle's trilogy is not filled. The characters are well-known is Victor Hugh, Alferd de musset, and still others. characteristics are as follows
1.Its contents are fantastic and not logical.
2.Using language that follow the rules of grammar.
3.Visual aspect is shown with all its equipment such as clothing, jewelry, and a sparkling stage.
4.Acting is bombastic.
5.Play usually about murder with a sentimental figures.
6.Be a free-form drama

c.Flow Realism
Concerned with the fact the realist school. Described is not no things that are excessive and sentimental as the romantic flow. There are two kinds of flow of realism, including:
1.Social Realism
2.Psychological Realism

d.Flow Expressionism
Expressionism stream flow highlight the author's thoughts or feelings. Characteristic is the existence of collective motion, heavily influenced psicoanalis freud, many films because of the desire to draw influence expression of the soul author or director, substitute scenes are fast, use is extreme stage, fragments are displayed like in the movie.

Naturalism is an outgrowth of realism. The difference with realism is that the reality depicted in naturalism is expected to possibly close to the reality of nature (natural). Not surprisingly, describes the trees, actually displayed a live tree. Try to approach the stage appearance of nature, and not the imitation of nature. In realism, using paintings to represent the views can be justified.


In Indonesia we know drama figures of existentialism, as Iwan simantupang, Putu Wijaya, and arifin C. Noer. Perhaps the works putu wijaya and arifin C. Noer. Dialogues presented by actors or actresses showed a strong independence properties, because they want to portray a truly human being psychologically independent. The works are so often expressed as a Platonic work, work that is soul, or purely psychological.

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