The drama the Indonesian developments lately as fast. This can be seen from the many performances in the television drama, radio drama, tapes drama, as well as drama performances. Youth organizations, both in schools, universities, youth clubs, and youth center has a theater section. In events and arts activities has not been satisfied presumably without drama.
Drama is an imitation of human life which is projected on stage. Seeing the drama, the audience seemed to view the events in the community. Sometimes the conflict is presented in the same drama with their own inner conflicts. Drama is a portrait of human life, portrait like grief, bitter sweet, black and white human life.
The word "drama" comes from the Greek "draomai" which means: do, apply, act, or action. Terminology term drama is usually based on the talks, what is a drama script or drama performances. Drama texts may be limits as one type of literary work written in the form of a dialogue that is based on inner conflict and have the possibility of staged. Moulton gives the definition of human life drama performances as depicted by action.
In the Indonesian language there is the term "sandiwara". This term is taken from the Javanese "sandi" and "warah" which means the lessons given in secret or confidential.
These words originally significant drama is not good because it is associated with pretense, deceptive or hypocritical. By learning what the real drama, the impression negatife it will be increasingly lost. In the development of drama in our country lives in the encounter with the term "theater".
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